Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Christmas time is here.....already?


Every year around September and October I start to make big plans for all the Christmas gifts I am going to knit. "This year I am going to knit all my gifts!" "It's going to be sooooo cost effective!" Two things then happen:
1. I buy a bunch of yarn, which I might add is NOT cost effective.
2. and then I proceed to completely burn out on knitting and don't want to look at it.
By the time Thanksgiving rolls around I realize I've done nothing and Christmas time is here. Well, it's happened again. However, I am happy to say I did get some ornaments done. (pictures and pattern details soon) And I knitted a friendly little snow man named Pierre. Unfortunately, everyone who comes in contact with Pierre is wooed by his charms and they want a snowman of their own.....so now I have even more knitting to do...what a vicious circle. (a very soft, fluffy, colorful, vicious circle.)

Update: Here are a few pics of my knitted ornaments. The patterns are available from Ornamentalknits.com

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ready, Get Set, GO!

I feel like I need to write some big thesis for this, the first entry of my blog. As if it's some kind of school report, and after re-writing this post about 10 times over the last 5 months, I now say "who cares", the point is to start. So, my name is Jo, I live in Los Angeles (and love it....most of the time). I work a full time job while also being a wife and college student. I'm very bad at grammar. And I love KNitting, EATing, and being generally creative. That's it. TaaDaa! -jo