Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuck Neverending

 Living my blog is fan-tabulous, but keeps my free time at a minimum. The good news is that doing all this knitting has jump started the urge to get all my old projects done in the time I do have. First up was Tuck by Norah Gaughan.
I've named the project Tuck Neverending because I had to rip it out and re-do it soooo many times over a two year period.  Why? Well, human error mostly. There is a part of the pattern where you are doing decrease shaping on the arm and neck, plus making tucks all at the same time. Let me just say, YIKES.
I'm glad it is done. However, I'm somewhat unsatisfied because I came to the realization that I have not worn a vest since 1994. Therefore, I can't figure out what to wear it with it. Thoughts?