Tuesday, February 21, 2012

BBB (Better Banana Bread)

Mmmmm. Banana Bread is one of the few breads I like. I've been collecting overripe bananas in my freezer for awhile now and can I just say that thawed overripe bananas are super gross. I'm glad the end product is so tasty because sometimes I have a hard time getting past the initial squish factor.

I used a bundt pan this time.  I find a giant slab of BB to be a bit daunting at times. The bundt pan allow for more manageable slices to be cut. The bread also bakes faster, 30-40 mins instead of the usual 55-75. (less wait time = YAY!)

I really like adding fresh banana slices sprinkled with sugar on top before going into the oven. The slices caramelize while baking and add some extra banana-y goodness. Not to mention it looks pretty. I got this idea from Cooks Illustrated. (Their BB recipe is amazing as well. Check out the video: http://youtu.be/DtokStgEQKM)

I wish we had smell-o-net. You'll just have to imagine how good my apartment smells at the moment I guess. Tee-hee.

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